TRS Alumni
The Raleigh School After taking a really long Spring Break...The Raleigh School was happy to start back with in-person classes as of August 31st for elementary students and preschool children returned just after Labor Day. This new school year has been made more complete by reuniting with friends, both on-campus and virtually.
We were just able to host a Drive-In CARnival. Finding a way to preserve this tradition, while socially distancing took some doing, but we had nine pit stops, and over 30 missions in our online Scavenger Hunt to make the day fun and safe for all. We even had the benefit of alumni volunteers!
TRS News Welcome Eric Johnson, New Elementary Director B.S., Psychology, Guilford College
As an educator for over 25 years, Eric has worked with students at every level, from pre-kindergarten through college. For the past nine years, he served as an elementary assistant principal in Wake County. Eric believes deeply in the power of project work and interdisciplinary studies, and his dissertation stressed the importance of guiding/driving questions in teaching and learning.
Alumni Parents are Back as Teachers
Lisa Glosson joined TRS as a member of the 5th grade team. She has three Raleigh School alums, Andrew, Class of 2007 graduated from Cornell and is back in the area working at the Umstead; Matthew, Class of 2010 is in Philadelphia at University of the Arts; and Emma, Class of 2011 is studying at George Washington University.
Bonnie Martin recently returned as part of the 1st grade team. Her two alumni are Chris, Class of 2006 who is living in Chicago working in digital marketing and Bethany, Class of 2008, lives and works in Wilmington for a financial technology company. Classroom Adaptations + Technology Aids
The pictures show some ways we have adjusted on campus to allow for social distancing and one way foot traffic flow. Kindergarten teachers assisted children in determining 6' of spacing by using innovative designs inside the classroom. All grades have worked to structure their classrooms to give children the visual signals they need to remain socially distanced.
We also added Chromebooks and iPads to assist with virtual learning delivery to families who selected to have children participate in a virtual cohort configuration and for all Raleigh School elementary students in the event that we need to return to virtual learning during this school year. True to form, TRS is developing age-appropriate ways for technology to be used as a tool and for learning to remain engaging and project-based.
Smiles All Around TRS First Days
More Alumni News Take a CARnival Road Trip and Share Updates Have News to Share? Recently Moved or Added a New Email?
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